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February Reading List

Posted on March 01, 2017 by Angelique Abare | 0 comments

Whoa, February has gone in a blink- but I won’t complain since it’s getting us closer to spring. We got SO much snow here in the Northeast, I’m certain we will have lingering piles of ice through the end of May.

Before I jump into my favorite reads from this month, did you see this article? Looks like all the time you spend reading your racist uncle’s facebook rants and buzzfeed listicles, you could be reading things that don’t make you want to quit to world! 200 books worth of things you actually want to read, how crazy is that!? I read about 4 books a month, which averages to almost 50 books a year - I can’t imagine tripling that number.

Anyways, here are my favorite reads from this month, if you’re a big reader like me, or are into the sci-fi vein of books, give me a follow over on Goodreads, my all time favorite place to track books I have read and find new books each month.

NOS4A2 - Joe Hill

“Victoria McQueen has a secret gift for finding things: a misplaced bracelet, a missing photograph, answers to unanswerable questions.”

This book was just so incredibly awesome and perfect. I couldn’t put it down, and still think about it constantly. It is freaky and strange and imaginative and violent and vulgar and heart warming and just perfection. I love me a hero with flaws and some magical realism, so this just hit all my buttons.


Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton

This book hopefully needs no synopsis or introduction. I really loved it, it was scary and nerdy and kept me engaged. I found it hilarious to read the 90’s descriptions of tech, especially the part where they felt it necessary to explain the purpose of a cursor (LULZ), it made me enjoyably nostalgic for the early 90’s. I am so glad I finally got around to reading this, it’s only been on my ‘to read’ list since I was 13. The movie terrified me and sparked my love of science, so i’ve always been a bit scared to read the book as I knew there were a few differences. Other than the mind blowing fact that Ledi was supposed to be the younger sibling and the swapping of some of their character traits- i loved the differences and sm sure this book will be reread a billion times before I die.

Not Alone - Craig A. Falconer

“Aliens exist, the government knows, and Dan McCarthy just found the proof.”

I love the take on the media shit-storm that follows whistleblowers, and the toll that takes on not just the person but the families, and communities of that person. There is a great little twist at the ending that I didn’t see coming, I won’t spoil it though!

The Fireman - Joe Hill

“A worldwide pandemic of spontaneous combustion that threatens to reduce civilization to ashes, follow a band of improbable heroes who battle to save it, lead by one powerful and enigmatic man known as the fireman.”

Ugh, I wanted to love this book because NOS4A2 was so good, but this book didn’t just miss the mark, it missed the target entirely. I feel like Joe Hill has three disparate novels mixed up into this mess, and it could have benefitted from a serious amount of editing. The plot pacing was confusing and overall the book was pretty anti-climactic. This story had so much potential, but it fell short of all my expectations. Overall I found this a chore to finish, and would say skip it.


What was your favorite read this month? Leave me a comment and let me know so I can add it to my list of books to read!

Until next time, stay sexy ya weirdos, XOX-





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Fine Art Paper 101

Posted on February 27, 2017 by Angelique Abare | 0 comments

I get a lot of questions about the different papers that I use for my illustrations and the answer is a little more complicated than you might think. Choosing the right paper can make or break your project.

Click below to get my tips, tricks, and links to my favorite products...

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Friday Instagram Finds & Studio Playlist

Posted on February 24, 2017 by Angelique Abare | 0 comments

Well this week flew by, I hope you had a chance to check out the launch of the new bugs over in the shop. Here is another round up of my favorite Instagram finds, people who are making me feel inspired this week. I was in a super botanical mood apparently - I will blame the hope of spring and the hint of sunlight NH had this week!

If you have time, show these creatives some love, please do. Also, don't forget to check the playlist at the end of the post - it is full of my favorite jams from this week.


Kat LaRanger - Painter

A post shared by Kat LaRanger (@katlaranger) on


 Emily Grady Dodge - Painter


Susan Black - Illustrator, Painter & Collage Artist

A post shared by Susan Black (@susanblackdesign) on


Sarah - Painter


Liat - Digital Artist & Painter

Don't forget to check out my weekend playlist , I update each week so we can jam together. This week is all over the place, but promises to keep you working:
Have a fabulous weekend queens!

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New Bugs and Beetles - Product Launch

Posted on February 20, 2017 by Angelique Abare | 0 comments

I am excited to be releasing a whole new batch of Bugs, Beetles and Insects to the Little Bugs Collection. I had no idea how much you guys would love these little guys, or how much I would enjoy researching an painting these little critters. 

Find out more, by following the link below...

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Friday Instagram Finds & Weekend Studio Playlist

Posted on February 17, 2017 by Angelique Abare | 0 comments

Another week, another round up of my favorite Instagram finds. If you have time, show these creatives some love - they are bringing amazing work to my feed every week, keeping me inspired and motivated.

Miranda Crooks - Artist & Plant Whisperer


Victoria Siemer - Designer & Photographer

A photo posted by Victoria Siemer (@witchoria) on


Scott Listfield - Painter


 Ben Skinner - Artist & Art Director

A photo posted by Ben Skinner (@benskinnerart) on


 Vera van Wolferen - Sculptor & Maker of Miniature Magic





Don't forget to check out my weekend playlist , I update each week so we can jam together. This week is a bit rock heavy:



 Thanks for stopping in, have a rad weekend! Until next time, keep being awesome-


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Around the Studio - February

Posted on February 15, 2017 by Angelique Abare | 0 comments

This month I have spent a lot of time focusing on getting my life back in order. The new year snuck up on me, and then January flew by - I had an epic spill in my garage that broke my elbow, and overall I got totally derailed. Apart from climbing out from under the mountain of snow that just dropped on NH, I am working on final edits for the coloring book and painting new beetles and bugs for the upcoming launch.

Also, I am updating the Paper Goods section of the website to include some new wrapping papers you guys are going to love - these will also be launching with the bugs next week.

Packaging your orders and sending them off into the world makes me so happy. Thanks for your orders and support, I appreciate it more that you know!

 Alright, that is enough rambling, I need to get back to work and get these bugs ready for you. Happy February, ya beautiful queens! I hope you had a love filled Valentine's Day, XOX-


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My Favorite Books on Art and Painting

Posted on February 13, 2017 by Angelique Abare | 0 comments

I wanted to pop in a share some books that helped me find my way in the studio. These books range from theory, to art history, and have had a huge impact on the way I look at art, both my own and the work of my peers and idols.

To see my picks, click below...

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